Report of the May 2011 Phuket trip

Day 4

We wanted to go to other sites in Phang-nga. But when we were half way up the road, the weather was really bad over there. A huge black cloud was covering every part of the province. We decided to go back to Tone Sai Waterfall since we went there in the afternoon on the second day, and we wanted to see whether it would be better in the morning. We found a new trail and saw more butterflies. The weather turned bad again in the afternoon and started to rain heavily. We had to call the day off.


Day 5

Since we booked the afternoon flight, we still had the morning for our disposal. We arranged the return of the car at the airport and delayed our check-out from our hotel. We decided to go to Tone Sai again cause it was only a 20 minutes drive from our hotel. Since all the photos are from the same place, I group them together.

Discolampa ethion thalimar

Jamides philatus subditus

Yasoda tripunctata atrinotata

Surendra qucercetorum quercetorum

Cirrochroa orissa orissa

Tanaecia flora andersonii

Lebadea Martha malayana

Neptis omeroda omeroda

Lethe mekara crijnana

Faunis canens arcesilas

Pyroneura latoia latoia

Lotongus calathus

Papilio iswara iswara

Gerosis limax dirae

Sithon nedymond nedymond (male)

Sithon nedymond nedymond (female)

Papilio polytes romulus f.polytes

Elymnias hypermnestra

Gandaca harina

Zographetus sp.

Polytremis lubricans lubricans

Zemeros flegyas allica

Lycaenopsis haraldus renonga (male)

Lycaenopsis haraldus renonga (female)

Loxura atymnus atymnus

Acerbas anthea anthea (photo by Gigi)

There were a few more species flying by during all these days, and that wraps up the trip. If the weather is better, I think we may have a better record.


由於搭乘晚間的航班,我們抵達時已經非常晚了。當我們到達酒店“Boat Lagoon Resort”,已差不多是1時許。我們隨即睡覺休息。我選擇這家酒店是考慮到它的位置。 因為它位於有吉島中部的東海岸,我們不必浪費太多時間在交通上。它雖是有點殘舊,但尚不算太差。有一件事情,是必須告知我們會員的:你們必須提前預訂汽車。在過去,租車公司在這裡無處不在,甚至在酒店內也可找到。現在,他們都消失了,我甚至沒有遇到過一輛像我們以往曾廉價租用的吉普車。


享用過自助早餐後,我們約在8:15出發。 整個天空被厚厚的雲層籠罩著,天氣狀況看來頗惡劣。 我們前往的第一個地點:Kathu Waterfall。 從酒店出發,車程只花了25分鐘左右。 當我們登上樓梯,第一隻跑出來迎接我們的是一只大型弄蝶 Gangara thyrsis。 當時相當昏暗,全賴無線閃光燈,我們也成功地拍出好相片。在此處遇見的其他各種蝴蝶,包括鉤翅眼蛺蝶(Junonia iphitia)、美眼蛺蝶(Junonia almana)、蛇眼蛺蝶(Junonia lemonias)和黃裳眼蛺蝶(Junonia hierta)。 由於它們跟香港的那些沒有兩樣,我沒有拍攝任何照片。

Gangara thyrsis thyrsis


Choaspes plateni caudatus

Cyretis cocles cocles

Prosotas aluta nanda

Eurema similatrix

Euploea core

Dacalana burmana

Parantica agleoides agleoides

Eurema ada

Hidari irava

Stimula swinhoei swinhoei

Drupadia ravindra boisduvalii (female)


Atrophaneura coon doubledayi


我們找到了兩種兼室弄蝶屬(Potanthus sp.)的蝴蝶,但無法識別。除此之外,我也找到一些物種,因為是香港有紀錄的,所以沒有拍下照片。在我們前往下一個距離酒店20分鐘車程的目的地Tone Sai Waterfall (位於 Khao Pra Thaeo National Park內),有一段時間的陽光普照。 當我們抵達時,瀑布一帶的天色相當昏暗,小徑難走且蝴蝶也非常稀少。約下午四時左右,天色更趨昏暗,我們便離開。當晚,我們前往Fantasea Park享用自助晚餐及欣賞歌舞表演。

Atrophaneura varuna varuna

Taxila haquinus

Arhopala abseus

Arhopala sp.

有一種體型足足大出三分之一的嬈灰蝶屬(Arhopala sp),是我錯過了的。Junonia atlites atlites則隨處可見。我也錯過了Parthenos SylviaTanaecia sp.Hypolimnas bolinaChersonesia sp.Bassarona sp.、看起來像Danaus genutia的Elymnias hypermnestra tinctoria雌蝶、Danaus melanippusPapilio memnon


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