ABOUT HKLS 關於香港鱗翅目學會

Hong Kong Lepidopterists’ Society

The HKLS (Hong Kong Lepidopterists’ Society) was founded in April 1999 as a company registered in Hong Kong (Co. No. 671949) and is also (as of July 3rd 1999) registered with the Hong Kong Govt. as a Charitable Institution (under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance).

The aims of the HKLS are, essentially, those established by the Society’s forerunner, the Hong Kong Lepidoptera Group (HKLG). These have been expanded a little and now read as follows:

To provide a forum being a non-profit educational and scientific organization for people interested in Hong Kong’s butterflies and moths;
To promote conservation of the Special Administrative Region’s lepidoptera and the science of lepidopterology in all its branches;
To further the scientifically sound and progressive study of Lepidoptera;
To co-ordinate the recording, compiling and to distribute information to other organizations and individuals for purposes of education and conservation and appreciation of Lepidoptera;
To publish periodicals and other publications on Lepidoptera and to facilitate the exchange of ideas by both the professional worker and the amateur in the field
A bi-monthly newsletter is now produced (available to subscribing members only) and an annual report is to be published, following on from the HKLG report of 1997-98 (copies still available, price to be announced)

Participation at HKLS events is encouraged and helps to build up a body of knowledge strong enough to protect Hong Kong and South China’s butterflies and moths from becoming a fading memory.

As the HKLS is a conservation organisation, it is seen fit to abide by a code for collecting of butterflies and moths. An adapted and translated version of the Joint Committee for the Conservation of British Insects’ “Code for Insect Collecting” has now been adopted and must be agreed to (by signature) when applying for membership; failure to abide by the Code will result in expulsion from the Society.


香港鱗翅目學會 (Hong Kong Lepidopterists’ Society) 於1999年4月在本港註冊為有限公司 (商業登記號碼:671949),並於1999年7月3日根據 香港稅務條例第 88條 註冊為一非牟利慈善機構。

本會的宗旨是根據本會前身 -香港鱗翅目小組 (Hong Kong Lepidopterists’Group) 的宗旨作出修訂而成,詳述如下:

  • 作為一非牟利教育及科學性組織,為對香港蝴蝶及飛蛾有興趣的人仕提供一個平台;
  • 促進香港特區政府對鱗翅目昆蟲的保育,以及鱗翅學 (Lepidopterology) 的推擴;
  • 推擴合乎科學的鱗翅目昆蟲研究及其意義 ;
  • 與其他組織及人士合作、協調,作出鱗翅目昆蟲資料的紀錄、收集及分享,以作為教育、保育及欣賞鱗翅目昆蟲之用;
  • 出版有關鱗翅目昆蟲的期刊和其他刊物,以及與其他專業和業餘人士作鱗翅學上的意見交流。

本會每兩月會推出一份會訊予本會會員,以及由 1997-98年度的香港鱗翅目小組起,本會將於每一年度推出一份年報 (尚餘少量年報,歡迎查詢,價格待定)


作為一個保育組織,本會採用並遵守一份由 英國昆蟲保育聯合會 “Joint Committee for the Conservation of British Insects” 所制定的昆蟲棌集守則 “Code for Insect Collecting”。所有人士在加入本會時必須同意及遵守由此項守則修改而成、有關蝴蝶及飛蛾的採集守則 “Code for Collecting” (並以簽名作實),倘若未能遵守此項守則者,本會有權開除該會員於本會的會籍。

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