中国线灰蝶 I Zephyrus Hairstreaks from China I

新書發佈: 中国线灰蝶 I


在已知的2000多種中國蝴蝶當中,线灰蝶是蝴蝶中最每令人矚目的一個類群。本書為計劃中的第一分冊,圖示採自我國四川、陝西、甘肅、廣東、廣西、湖南、重慶、貴州等地的62種线灰蝶,每種包括卵、幼蟲、 蛹到成蟲的圖片及寄主植物方面的信息。此外,幼蟲的生態學和取食習性等信息也被提及

定價: 港幣$1,280


Newly published: Zephyrus Hairstreaks from China I

A4 size, full colours with 360 pages. It is in both English and Chinese. Out of the some 2000 species of butterflies recorded in China, Zephyrus Hairstreaks are a group of exotic butterflies. This book is the first volume in printing and includes 62 species from Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Chongqing and Guizhou. It depicts eggs, larvae, pupae, adults of every species and their habits.

Listed price : HK$1,280 

This is a limited edition. Please write to for availability.